Hallelujah. We can close this chapter of life’s grand adventure and add upfitting food trailers to our resumes. As of yesterday we were approved by the health department and fire marshall and the Baa’d Sheep Burritos’ food truck is ready to hit the road.
We’ve had so many learning moments in the past 3 months, our heads have felt like they might explode. I consider ourselves lucky that we still have all our extremities. Cutting steel sheets is quite the sparktacular experience. And, if we weren’t so pissed off about having to do EVERYTHING at least twice, it might have been really funny.
We sawed, hammered, drilled, drywalled, tiled, painted, designed, cried, screamed at the top of our lungs, crazy laughed (you know the one), and hemorrhaged lots of money. Often times, all before going to work or late into the night. We’re on a first name basis with the team at Lowe’s, specifically in returns and exchanges. We even plotted how we could roll the trailer down the hill {accidentally}, collect the insurance money and reclaim our lives. Just in case you don’t know me well enough to know that last sentence is said in jest, I assure you, I’m just kidding. But, we did it. And, not without the help of our amazing tribe and some great referrals. Thank you to everyone who labored, advised and listened for the last several months. We’ve been humbled by the support and reminded of our village.
Now we’re on to the next phase. Time to make the burritos. And, we still can’t do it without help. So, if you know anyone who would love a food truck at their next event or a connection to any good food truck spots, we would love to hear!