Every time you ask someone how they are in Costa Rica, they respond, “pura vida.”
Literally translated, “pura vida” means pure life, a Costa Rican version of “hakuna matata.”
The term came to Costa Rica by way of a Mexican movie in which the character, despite his continually negative circumstances maintains eternal optimism via the phrase, Pura Vida.
It has now become an ubiquitous, all encompassing term to mean gratitude, a worry free attitude, a general sense of happiness and so much more. But, to even attach definition to those words doesn’t fully convey their gravity.
It’s an attitude, a way of life. It’s as if just through the utterance of the phrase, you’re infused with a touch of optimism and a sense of all is good.
I think we should make it a trend back at home. It’s so much better of a response than, “I’m fine.”

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